Secrets of our VVV - Very very very - ancient past.

I am  outing the most untold and sometimes dark or what will be for certain troubling for many, secrets of our Druid  VVV "Very very very" ancient past.

 in a game like way that points to poems and other things that hold clues and hints. With each new link I will mention that there are X clues in it. But there may really be more or even less.  
Now remember this is about Serious VVV old Techni-Druid doings. Not the Iron Age social life of the Celts.

You will need to keep your own list of found cluse and what they mean to you. At some point I may post all the answers too!

You can join the Facebook page and share ideas and clues if you like too!

Ok our first link!

One Compass clue in the Well!

Three really really big ones here!

There is ab Ear Clue and three hourglass dagger clues here. One Flint One Iron and One Gold.

Moon Rising

TDK / The Druid King

Copyright May 7, 2013 George King


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