
The Law of the Ley.

The Druid;s Way.  Is not a one way street. Where Boons are given to you. By all that you meet. We have talked about having a "Ollamh Fodhla" (great teacher). We have talked about having a "Anam Cara"  (spiritual advisor). We have talked about the duties of "Ghosti"  (reciprocal relationships of hospitality) We have talked about incarnating with "Geas - geis - geasa" (magically bound injuncture or duty). The Laws of the Druid's Ley bring gifts to the Dedicant on its way. Yet it is as in old and Days When Druid and Toutas (Tribes) were paired. A two way Street is this Ley of ours. And Energy needs to flow in both directions. So tonight I ask ? Do you have have Pagus or Druid Elder that you also care for ? Helping in ways they really need . While as they can with Blood of life. They feed our Druid Seed. Sharing the songs of Summerland's as their veil grows even thin. Moon Rising Babel Risen ...

Ley to Summerland walked in blood and tears

Let to Summer's-Lanf " As there is Summe's-Land Above. So there is Winter's-Land Below" Law of the Ley-TDK

Moon Rising as a Druid Greeting or Parting:

When people of old long ago, night hunted or held outdoor Moots and meets. The Moon Rising would be a special time to come together. I tend to use it in the vain of this special time is coming again and till we meet again under the rising Moon. Moon Rising TDK

What indicates a good ancient cut Ley Line:

What indicates a possible good ancient cut Ley Line or where one may lay uncut? A good Ley has two terminating points one at each end. These are most often a deep stone root or in today's party a contact electrode like connection.  These are the natural taps.  Then a scared earth path is cut laser straight across the land between them anything like an earth ridge etc is notched or cut through. Note no regard is taken to make this the easy walk path or trail and is often not that in many places, others it is and they became in UK Roman Roads. In about the center or if very long sight ponds or scared wells were often found.  Here I disagree with Dear Master Watkins on their purpose. I feel it was to tap the energy vein for access or to pull it up to the surface as it bows or drupes between termination points or most likely both reasons. If Ley is long there may be more then one Water tap along it. Mounds Forts Moots etc are features added I believe thousands of year...

Secrets of our VVV - Very very very - ancient past.

I am  outing the most untold and sometimes dark or what will be for certain troubling for many, secrets of our Druid  VVV "Very very very" ancient past.  in a game like way that points to poems and other things that hold clues and hints. With each new link I will mention that there are X clues in it. But there may really be more or even less.   Now remember this is about Serious VVV old Techni-Druid doings. Not the Iron Age social life of the Celts. You will need to keep your own list of found cluse and what they mean to you. At some point I may post all the answers too! You can join the Facebook page and share ideas and clues if you like too! Ok our first link! 1) One Compass clue in the Well! 2) Three really really big ones here! 3)   http://soul...

Is there a local Ley, down your way?

For those of us not living in the old Celtic homelands. Most of the time there will be no publicly know Ley Line in your area. Yet like blood vessels in living flesh are really all over the place. And yes most people try and find one near them by dowsing for it. This is the tried and true way. Yet not everyone is good dowser so what can you do?  It may seem odd but often there will be one running down a street near you. There are many reasons for this that I will not cover today, but the older a very straight street is, the better your chances of finding a Ley Line there. So here is a little trick you can use to see if there is one near you. First, note that the line most often will not be down the center of the road. After a rain shower and as the water has started to dry up on the roads. Give them a walk (traffic permitting of course). It is always best to find a line in a low traffic area as you stand a better chance at being able to walk it late at night when it i...

Loose Notes

"Law of the Ley" is the ancient Truths and Science of the pre Bronze Age Druids.  TDK